27 March 2011

March 2011 meeting

At its March 2011 meeting Duke of Leinster Council No.93 worked the degrees of Knights of the East and West, welcoming three new members. Sir Kt Rodney Clark was installed as E.Chief. Our new Excellent Chief is a Past Master of St Andrew's Lodge No.19 (South Australian Constitution) and a Past King of Duke of Leinster Royal Arch Chapter No.363 IC which also meets in Adelaide. A founder member of Duke of Leinster Council, he became a Knight Mason in Esdras Council No.90 several years ago.

Members and several partners enjoyed a happy lunch at the Prince Albert Hotel afterwards.

The Council has two candidates for the degrees of Knight of the Sword and Knight of the East, to be worked at the next meeting in September.

Members were pleased to receive copies of the latest issue of the Order's magazine, "The KM Trowel".

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