31 January 2016

Meetings during 2016

starting at 10am on Saturday 19 March, 25 June, 17 September, 26 November

All meetings are followed by lunch at the Prince Albert Hotel, Wright St, Adelaide

Adelaide's Albert Bridge

The Albert Bridge is the oldest large road bridge in the Adelaide city area.  The foundation stone was laid on 20 August 1878 by the Mayor of Adelaide.  The Bridge was opened in May 1879 and was named after Prince Albert to honour his visit to the colony that year. Designed by engineers John H Grainger and H E Worsley and built by M C Davies and J Wishart under the supervision of City Surveyor J H Langdon, the Albert replaced a timber structure built twenty years earlier. The bridge consists of three-span scalloped iron girders, cast iron cylindrical piers, elegant cast iron handrails and abutments made from Tea Tree Gully stone. The Bridge is 36.6m long.

11 March 2013

Meetings in 2013

All meetings are followed by lunch at the Prince Albert Hotel, Wright St, Adelaide

16 March 2013

  • Knights of the East and West
  • Installation
15 June 2013 
  • informal Board of Management meeting and lunch
21 September 2013 
  • Knight of the Sword and Knight of the East 
23 November 2013 - a special meeting will be called by the Ex.Chief for :-
  • Knight of the Sword and Knight of the East 
  • election of officers for the year 2014-2015

01 October 2012

2012 meetings

Zerubbabel displays a plan of Jerusalem to Cyrus the Great
(painting by Jacob van Loo, now in Musée des Beaux-Arts, Orleans, France)

At the meeting held 17 March 2012, three new members completed the ceremonies of Knight of the East and West. Ex. Sir Knight Bruce Forster was then Installed as Excellent Chief of the Council.

A Board of Management meeting was held 15 June.

A new member was admitted to the degrees of Knight of the Sword and Knight of the East on Saturday 15 September 2012.

A Special Meeting of the Council is to be held 24 November 2012 to admit two new members and to elect Officers for 2013.


18 January 2012

next meeting Sat 17 March 2012

On 17 March 2012 the Council will work the degree of Knight of the East and West for three new members, followed by the Installation.

Lunch will follow at the Prince Albert Hotel, 254 Wright St, Adelaide

27 November 2011

Meeting on 26 November 2011

The Council held a special meeting on 26 Nov 2011, during which the Immediate Past Excellent King of the Royal Arch Chapter was admitted as a Knight of the Sword and Knight of the East.

Sir Knight John Andrews, an esteemed member and a retired operative mason, passed away suddenly on August 16, 2011.

(Illustration: Cyrus II the Great and the Hebrews - Illumination of Jean Fouquet, c.1470-1475, BNF, Department of Manuscripts)

Future meetings:
- Sat. 17 March 2012 (Kt of East and West, Installation)
- Sat. 15 September 2012 (Kt of Sword, Kt of East)
- Sat. 24 November 2012 (Special)

11 July 2011

September 2011 meeting

Duke of Leinster Council No.93

Next meeting Saturday, 17th September 2011:

09.15 am - Set up Lodge room
09.45 am - Rehearsal
10.15 am - Meeting of Council
1.00 pm - Lunch, Prince Albert Hotel

Working: admission of two members

Above right: E Sir Kt Harry Goatham, Scribe, at our lunch last March. Harry passed away on 27 June 2011 aged 78 years.

27 March 2011

March 2011 meeting

At its March 2011 meeting Duke of Leinster Council No.93 worked the degrees of Knights of the East and West, welcoming three new members. Sir Kt Rodney Clark was installed as E.Chief. Our new Excellent Chief is a Past Master of St Andrew's Lodge No.19 (South Australian Constitution) and a Past King of Duke of Leinster Royal Arch Chapter No.363 IC which also meets in Adelaide. A founder member of Duke of Leinster Council, he became a Knight Mason in Esdras Council No.90 several years ago.

Members and several partners enjoyed a happy lunch at the Prince Albert Hotel afterwards.

The Council has two candidates for the degrees of Knight of the Sword and Knight of the East, to be worked at the next meeting in September.

Members were pleased to receive copies of the latest issue of the Order's magazine, "The KM Trowel".