07 October 2010

Samuel R A Hogg Council No.39

Samuel RA Hogg Council No.39 was constituted in Bendigo, Victoria on Saturday 2 October by the ME Great Chief, ME Sir Knight Bernard VA Woods, assisted by ME Sir Knight Michael Ward and members from Victoria and South Australia.

Photo above - members of the new Council and visitors.

19 September 2010

September 2010 Meeting

At the meeting held Saturday morning 18 Sep 2010 two new members were admitted Knights of the Sword and Knights of the East.

Lunch followed at the Prince Albert Hotel.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Sat 19 March 2011, when members will be admitted as Knights of the East and West and complete the series of ceremonies to be Knight Masons, followed by Installation of a new Chief and Officers.

31 May 2010

Special meeting 29 May 2010

Members and friends enjoying lunch at the Prince Albert Hotel on Saturday, 29 May 2010, following the admission of a new member (seated at the head of the table).

Our next meeting is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, 18 September 2010.

19 April 2010

Special Meeting on 29 May 2010:

Advance and early warning!

A special meeting will be held Saturday am, 29 May 2010
followed by a short meeting of members in committee
then lunch at the Prince Albert Hotel. Full details yet to be posted.

The photo from Behistun in Iran shows Darius the Great.
The inscription, carved into a cliffside, gives the same text in three languages, telling the story of Darius' conquests, illustrated by life-sized carved images of Darius with other figures in attendance (click on photo for larger image).

21 March 2010

March meeting 2010

The meeting held Saturday 20 March 2010 proceeded well (luckily there was a screen for the main door of the lodge room, affording privacy from the remaining portion of the anteroom in use as a polling room for the State Elections!).

Five members were admitted as Knights of the East and West, then as Knight Masons, following which the Installation Ceremony was held. Michael Beck is the new Chief. The Council has a new Scribe - for contact details please see at right.

The photos show some of our members and friends at refreshment afterwards, at the Prince Albert Hotel who very kindly made a private room available.

25 January 2010

Meeting on Saturday 20 March 2010

The next meeting of the Council will be on the morning of Saturday 20 March 2010,
followed by lunch at the Prince Albert Hotel in Wright Street, City.
The Scribe is in process of preparing the Notice Paper with times etc

The ceremonies will include Knight of the East and West, and the Installation.

(at left - the sash of a Knight Mason)

Other meetings for your calendar (updated 4 Feb & 11 Jul 2010)
Please note - dates and times should be confirmed before making travel arrangements.
  • Sat 30 Jan 10 - Persia Council of Research No.8 - Dublin
  • Sat 20 Feb 10 - Grand Council - Dublin - 2p
  • Tue 9 Mar 10 - Harp of Erin No.91 - Auckland NZ - 7.30p
  • 14 Mar 10 - Nebuchadnezzar Council No.85 - Launceston, Tasmania
  • Sat 20 Mar 10 - Leinster Marine Council No.95 - Concord, Sydney - 10am
  • Sat 20 Mar 10 - Duke of Leinster Council No.93 - Goodwood SA
  • Mon 29 Mar 10 - Ecbatana Council No.94 - Ringwood Vic - 6.30p
  • May 10 - Persia Council of Research No.8 - Limerick visit?
  • Wed 19 May 10 - Esdras Council No.90 - Williamstown Vic - 7p
  • Sat 12 Jun 10 - Grand Council - N. Ireland 2p
  • Mon 14 Jun 10 - Constitution of Grafton Council No.100 and St James Council No.101, at Mark Masons Hall, London SW1A 1PL
  • Tue 13 Jul 10 - Harp of Erin No.91 - Auckland NZ - 7.30p
  • Mon 30 Aug 10 - Ecbatana Council No.94 - Ringwood Vic - 6.30p
  • Sat 11 Sep 10 - Leinster Marine Council No.95 - Concord, Sydney - 2pm
  • Sat 18 Sep 10 - Persia Council of Research No.8 - Limerick
  • Sat 18 Sep 10 - Duke of Leinster Council No.93 - Goodwood SA
  • Sat 2 Oct 10 - Constitution of Samuel RA Hogg Council No.39 - Bendigo Vic
  • Sat 23 Oct 10 - Grand Council - N.Ireland - 2p
  • 24 Oct 10 - Nebuchadnezzar Council No.85 - Launceston, Tasmania
  • Tue 9 Nov 10 - Harp of Erin No.91 - Auckland NZ - 7.30p
  • Mon 29 Nov 10 - Ecbatana Council No.94 - Ringwood Vic - 6.30p
  • Sat 11 Dec 10 - Esdras Council No.90 - Williamstown Vic - 11a
  • Sat 11 Dec 10 - Grand Council - Dublin - 2p